Configuring Office365 SAML2 with MWARE IAM for Multiple Domains¶
This tutorial guides you through configuring SAML2 authentication for Office365 with MWARE IAM in multiple domains. Follow the instructions in the sections below to set this up.
The flow¶
The diagram below demonstrates the flow of how Microsoft Office365 uses MWARE IAM as a SAML2 federated authenticator to authenticate a user.
Office 365 Business Account with access to the Office 365 Admin Portal.
If you do not already have an account, you can use a 30-day trial version to try out this feature.
Add a new domain to Office 365 using the Office 365 Admin Portal. For instructions on how to do this, see Add A Domain to Office 365 in the Microsoft documentation.
Office 365 SSO requires an internet-resolvable domain name to use as the suffix in each user’s username. You cannot federate the default domain that is provided by Microsoft that ends with " ".
You can register a free domain using a site such as if you do not already have a registered domain name.
A Windows platform Windows Azure Active Directory Powershell installed. If you do not already have the Azure AD module, run the following commands to install the required modules.
#uninstall any existing older version of the AzureAD module uninstall-module AzureAD install-module AzureAD install-module AzureADPreview install-module MSOnline
Configuring the claims¶
Click Add under Claims and then click Add Local Claim.
Add the following local claims.Field Sample value Dialect URI
Claim URI
Display Name *
Mapped Attribute (s)
User Store Domain Name: PRIMARY
Mapped Attribute: userPrincipalName
Supported by Default
Field Sample value Dialect URI
Claim URI
Display Name *
Mapped Attribute (s)
User Store Domain Name: PRIMARY
Mapped Attribute: objectGuid
Supported by Default
Remove unsupported claims
The following attributes are not supported by Active Directory by default. Disable the following claims in MWARE IAM to avoid errors when updating the user profile.
To disable the claims, do the following.
- Click List under Claims and select the dialect.
- Click Edit next to the following claims and unselect the Supported
by Default checkbox to disable the claim.
- Country
- Organization
- IM
Configuring service providers¶
For each Office 365 domain follow these steps.
- Click Add under Service Providers and create a new service provider.
- Expand Claim Configuration and select Define Custom Claim Dialect.
Click Add Claim URI and add the following claims.
Service Provider Claim Local Claim Requested Claim IDPEmail Selected (True) NameID Selected (True) -
Set NameID as the Subject Claim URI.
Expand Inbound Authentication Configuration and then expand SAML2 Web SSO Configuration.
The following table provides configuration for two Office 365 domains named , and You can configure more than two SPs based on your requirement.
Value for domain -
Value for domain -
Service Provider Qualifier
This value is needed to configure multiple SAML SSO inbound authentication configurations for the same
value. When aService Provider Qualifier
is defined here, it is appended to the end of theIssuer
value when registering the SAML SP in the Identity Server.For example, if you specify "" as the
and "sp1" as theService Provider Qualifier
, the configuration will be registered in MWARE IAM with the value "". You can configure any number of SAML SPs using the same
but with differentService Provider Qualifiers
.Assertion Consumer URLs
NameID format
:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent urn:oasis:names:tc
:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent Enable Response Signing
Ticked (True)
Ticked (True)
Enable Signature Validation in Authentication Requests and Logout Request
Un-Ticked (False)
Un-Ticked (False)
Enable Attribute Profile
Ticked (True)
Ticked (True)
Include Attributes in the Response Always
Ticked (True)
Ticked (True)
IdP Entity ID Alias
This value overrides the
Identity Provider Entity ID
specified under the SAML SSO Inbound Authentication configuration in the Resident IdP. TheIdentity Provider Entity ID
is used as theissuer
of the SAML responses that are generated from MWARE IAM.By default, the issuer value of all SAML responses issued by MWARE IAM is the same as the
Identity Provider Entity ID
in the Resident IdP’s SAML SSO inbound authentication configuration. If you want that value to be unique for your SAML SP configuration, specify the unique value here so that theIdP Entity ID
is overridden with thisIdP Entity ID Alias
value.Any valid URL/URI unique for domain
Any valid URL/URI unique for domain
Note that “ Service Provider Qualifier ” and “IdP Entity ID” values configured for each service provider are needed when configuring Azure AD.
Click Register to save changes.
Configure Azure AD to trust MWARE IAM¶
- Log in to a Windows machine and start Windows Azure Active Directory Powershell.
Run the following command. It prompts for the Azure AD admin credentials.
Enter the credentials and click OK. Run the following command to connect to the service with the stored credentials.
Connect-MsolService –Credential $cred
Run the following command to verify the availability of the validated domains.
The ‘Status’ of the domains should be ‘Verified’, and ‘Authentication’ should be ‘Managed’.Get-MsolDomain
Configure each domain as a federated domain by providing the respective federation settings that match the MWARE IAM IdP. Store the federation settings in parameters.
Store your domain.
$dom = ""
Set the IdP Logon URL for the POST SAML Authentication Request. For this tutorial, you can use the SAML SSO endpoint URL of WSO2 IS with Service Provider Qualifier name appended as a query parameter. Note that the Service Provider Qualifier name should be the value you have provided when creating SAML inbound authentication configuration for the particular service provider.
Logon URL format
$logonurl = "https://{Hostname}:{Port}/samlsso?spQualifier={Service Provider Qualifier}"
Sample Logon URL
$logonurl = "https://localhost:9443/samlsso?"
Set the issuer ID of the IdP. This value should be the
IdP Entity ID Alias
that you configured in the SAML inbound authentication configuration of the relevant service provider.$issueruri = ""
Set the IdP Logout URL for the POST SAML Logout Request. For this tutorial, you can use the SAML SSO endpoint URL of MWARE IAM with Service Provider Qualifier name appended as a query parameter. Note that the Service Provider Qualifier name should be the value you have provided when creating SAML inbound authentication configuration for the particular service provider.
Logout URL format
$logouturl = "https://{Hostname}:{Port}/samlsso?spQualifier={Service Provider Qualifier}"
Sample Logout URL
$logouturl = "https://localhost:9443/samlsso?"
Store the IdP certificate. Enter the Base64 encoded signing certificate of MWARE IAM.
Note that the certificate value should be given in a single line without a break.
How to obtain the PEM encoded certificate
The PEM content of a certificate in a JKS file, can be obtained by following the steps below:
1. Export the certificate from the keystone. The exported certificate will be in binary format.
keytool -export -keystore <keystore-path> -alias <alias-of-the-certificate> -file <path-of-the-expected-certificate-file> e.g. keytool -export -keystore wso2carbon.jks -alias wso2carbon -file wso2carbon.crt
2. Convert the above binary encoded certificate to a PEM encoded certificate.
openssl x509 -inform der -in <path-of-binary-certificate> -out <path-of-expected-pem-content> e.g. openssl x509 -inform der -in wso2carbon.crt -out wso2carbon.pem
3. Open the obtained PEM encoded certificate using a text editor and copy the certificate content excluding the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE placeholders.
$cert = "{certificate}"
The certificate for the default key store configured in MWARE IAM is given below.
Sample certificate
$cert = "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"
Run the following command to establish trust.
Set-MsolDomainAuthentication –DomainName $dom -Authentication Federated -PassiveLogOnUri $logonurl -SigningCertificate $cert -IssuerUri $issueruri -LogOffUri $logouturl -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol SAMLP
Run the following command to verify the federation settings for each domain.
Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings -Domain $dom
You have now successfully set up trust between the on-premise identity provider of MWARE IAM and the Azure Active Directory.
If you wish to redo the configurations, do the following:
Run the following command to first move your domain back to the 'Managed' authentication mode.
Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -DomainName $dom -Authentication Managed
Re-set the parameters as listed in step 5 and then set the authentication method again as shown in step 6.