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Pass OIDC Authentication Request Parameters in a Request Object

This page guides you through passing a set of request parameters as its claims using a JWT in a request object. If you want to pass any sensitive parameter with the authentication request which needs additional security you can pass it as a request object.

Register a service provider

To register your application as a service provider in the MWARE IAM:

  1. Log in to the MWARE IAM Management Console using administrator credentials.

  2. Go to Main > Identity > Service Providers > Add.

  3. Enter a Service Provider Name. Optionally, enter a Description.

  4. Click Register.

Configure the public certificate

The following steps describe how to configure a service provider public certificate.

  1. Create a new keystore.

    keytool -genkey -alias wso2carbon -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore testkeystore.jks -dname "CN=*,OU=test,O=test,L=MPL,ST=MPL,C=FR" -storepass wso2carbon -keypass wso2carbon -validity 10950
  2. Create a file and name it as the client ID of the OAuth application service provider. Export the public key of the new keystore to the file you created.

    keytool -export -alias wso2carbon -file <client-id> -keystore testkeystore.jks
  3. Get the cert in X509 format.

    keytool -printcert -rfc -file <client-id>

    You will see the public certificate in X509 format in the console.

  4. Copy the content of the certificate. A sample output is shown below.

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  5. Click Service Providers > List and Edit the service provider you created.

  6. Select Upload SP Certificate under Select SP Certificate Type.

  7. Paste the certificate content copied in step 4 as the Application Certificate.

    Upload SP certificate


    Instead of uploading the service provider certificate as shown above, you can choose to use the JWKS enpoint as shown below and add the relevant JWKS URI.


  8. Click Update.

Configure claims

  1. Add two new external claims as follows for the dialect. For detailed instructions on how to add a new claim mapping to a claim dialect, see Adding Claim Mapping.

    external claim 1

    external claim 2


    Here, customClaim1 andcustomClaim2 are selected as claim URIs because they are not configured as requested claims in the OIDC scope. For the purpose of testing, these claims are mapped to the existing and local claims. If required, you can create two new local claims for this purpose.

  2. While adding claims, if you want the the claims to prompt during user registration, make sure you select Support by default registration. Follow the steps below to set Challenge Question1 and Challenge Question2 to prompt during user registration:

    1. On the management console, click List under Claims. This displays the Claims screen with the Available claim dialects.
    2. Click under Available claim dialects.
    3. Edit Challenge Question1, select Support by default. and then click Update.
    4. Edit Challenge Question2, select Support by default. and then click Update.
  3. Edit the service provider that you created above, expand Claim Configuration, and add the following as Requested Claims:



    If a user has already consented once to the requested claims that are configured on the service provider, any further changes/additions to the requested claims will not apply. If you are facing this issue, do one of the following.

    • Mark the claims given above as Mandatory Claims. This will ensure that the user will be prompted once again to provide consent for the newly added/changed claims.
    • Log in to my account, revoke the consent receipt for the application, and then attempt to log in to the application again. Now you will be prompted to provide consent for all requested claims, including the newly added/changed claims. For more information on revoking/accepting user consent, see Consent management.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Create a new user with the name, and enter values for the Email, Country, Challenge Question1 as , and Challenge Question 2 in the user profile.


    For detailed instructions on creating a user and customizing a user's profile, see Add Users and Update User Profiles.

Create a signed request object

Create a JWT with the following payload and sign (RSA256) it with the private key of the keystore created in here. (You can use for this)

      "client_id": "<client-id>",
      "sub": "<client-id>",
      "aud": [
      "claims": {
        "userinfo": {
          "given_name": {
            "essential": true
          "nickname": null,
          "email": {
            "essential": true
          "customClaim2": {
            "essential": true
        "id_token": {
          "gender": null,
          "birthdate": {
            "essential": true
          "customClaim1": {
            "essential": true
      "iss": "<client-id>",
      "exp": 1516786878,
      "iat": 1516783278,
      "jti": "1003"

This creates a signed request object.

Try it

  • To test the flow without a signed request object, specify the authorization_code grant type for the user, and use the OIDC scope from the playground application to obtain an id_token . Then retrieve user information using the access token.

  • To test the flow with a signed request object, use the authorization_code grant for the user, and specify the authentication endpoint as https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize?request=<JWT>. Next, obtain the id_token and retrieve user information.


    The JWT used here is the signed JWT created in Create a signed request object.

Analyzing the response

When you analyze the responses of the two tests, you will observe that together with customClaim2 retrieved in the userinfo response, an additional claim customClaim1 is retrieved via the id_token when you configure the authorization code flow with a signed request object.
