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Traditional Authentication

Authentication Parameters

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
client_id The OAuth 2.0 client identifier valid at the authorization server
scope Description for scopes
response_type This determines which authorization processing flow is to be used, including what parameters are returned from the endpoints used. Any combination of code,token or id_token
redirect_uri The URI which the authorization server should send the response to.

state parameter

The parameter passed from the application to the identity provider to maintain any state information. This is used to correlate the requests and responses. If the state parameter is defined as state_1, the request and response both have state_1 in them. This makes it easy for the client to identify the request and responses.

nonce parameter

OAuth nonce and timestamp together play an important role when it comes to OAuth security depending on how they are implemented in an application. These two help OAuth to be protected from what is called a replay-attack - an attack where the same request is resent, maybe over and over again.

The term nonce means ‘number used once’. It should be a unique and random string that is meant to uniquely identify each signed request. This string value is used to associate a client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks. In OAuth, the nonce value should be sent by the client during implicit flow. Then the value is then passed unmodified from the Authentication Request to the ID token.

By having a unique identifier for each request, the service provider is able to prevent requests from being used more than once. When implementing this, the consumer/client generates a unique string for each request sent to the Service Provider. The service provider keeps track of all the nonces used to prevent them from being used a second time. Since the nonce value is included in the signature, it cannot be changed by an attacker without knowing the shared secret.

It becomes a problem when Service Provider keeps a persistent storage of all nonce values received. To make this practical, timestamp comes to play. OAuth adds a timestamp value to each request which allows the Service Provider to keep nonce values only for a limited time. When a request comes in with a timestamp that is older than the retained time frame, it is rejected as the Service Provider no longer has nonces from that time period. It is safe to assume that a request sent after the allowed time limit is a replay attack. The nonce together with timestamp, provides a perpetual unique value that can never be used again by an attacker.

prompt parameter

Parameter vale Description
prompt= none The authorization server does not display any authentication or consent user interface pages. An error is returned if an end user is not already authenticated, the client does not have pre-configured consent for the requested claims, or if there are any other unfulfilled conditions for processing the request.
prompt= login Even if the end user is already authenticated, it will prompt the end user for re-authentication.
prompt= consent Even if the consent is already given, it will prompt the end user for consent again before returning information to the client.
prompt= consent login The user will be prompted to login as well as for consent when returning information to the client.