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OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication

If the client type specified in the request is confidential, the client and authorization server should establish a client authentication method suitable for the security requirements of the authorization server. This needs to be done for the following reasons.

  • To ensure the tokens are issued only to legitimate clients.

  • Audit purposes

There are a few client authentication methods.

  • Basic Authentication (client_secret_basic)

  • Client Secret JWT Authentication (client_secret_jwt)

  • Private Key JWT Client Authentication (private_key_jwt)

  • Mutual TLS Authentication (tls_client_auth)


In this client authentication method, the OAuth client uses HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme.

When deriving the authorization header value, it should be according to the following format.

Authorization: Basic Base64encoded({client_id}:{client_secret})


In this method, the credentials are passed in the request body as form parameters as follows.



Private Key JWT Client Authentication is an authentication method that clients can use to authenticate to the authorization server when using the token endpoint. This authentication mechanism can authenticate clients who have registered a public key with the authorization server and signed a JWT using that key.

The main steps of the flow are as follows.

  1. OAuth2 client shares its public key with the authorization server.

  2. OAuth2 client sends the JWT data signed with its private key to the token API.

  3. Authorization server extracts the signature and authenticates the client.

The JWT must contain some REQUIRED claim values and may contain some OPTIONAL claim values. For more information on the required and optional claim values needed for the JWT for private_key_jwt authentication, click here. The authentication token must be sent as the value of the client_assertion parameter. The value of the client_assertion_type parameter must be;

