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Product-Level Security Guidelines for Production Deployment

This section provides the list of product-level security guidelines that are recommended for your production environment.

Security updates

Apply all the security patches relevant to your MWARE IAM version. For more information, see here

Default keystores

Change the default keystores and create new keys for all the cryptographic operations. MWARE IAM by default come with a self-signed SSL key. Since these keys are public, it is recommended to configure your own keys for security purposes. Consider the following guidelines when creating the keystores.

  • Select a key size of at least 2048 bits.

  • Use an SHA256 certificate.

  • Make sure that WSO2 default certificates do not exist in any of the keystores in your production environment. For example, be sure to delete the default public certificate in the default truststore that is shipped with the product.


For more information, see Recommendations for using keystores and Create New Keystores.

Passwords in config files

MWARE IAM uses a tool called Secure Vault to encrypt the plain-text passwords in configuration files. For instructions, see Encrypt Passwords with the Cipher Tool.

Default ports

All the default ports that are used by MWARE IAM are listed in Default Ports of MWARE IAM, e.g., the default HTTPS port is 9443 and the HTTP port is 9763. For instructions on changing default ports, see Change the default port offset.

Access to external systems

Read-only access

If your MWARE IAM is connecting to an external userstore, such as Microsoft Active Directory, for the purpose of reading and retrieving user information, make sure to enable read-only access to that userstore. For instructions, see Configure Userstores.


To ensure adequate network-level protection, all connections from your MWARE IAM to external databases, userstores (LDAP), or other services should be over TLS. Therefore, make sure to use TLS-enabled external systems.

Priviledged users

When connecting MWARE IAM to external databases or userstores (LDAP), make sure to go through a user who does not have permission to change the data store's schema.


As all permissions are generally granted to the root user, do not use the root user of the data store.

HTTPS security

To have strong transport-level security, use TLS 1.2 and disable SSL, TLS 1.0, and 1.1.

The TLS protocol and ciphers are configured for an HTTP connector using the SSLEnabled element in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file. For instructions, see Configure Transport-Level Security.


  • When deciding on the TLS protocol, consider the compatibility with existing client applications. Imposing maximum security might cause functional problems with client applications.
  • Apply ciphers with 256 bits key length if you have applied the Unlimited Strength policy. Note that Unlimited Strength policy is recommended.
  • Also, consider the following factors when deciding on the ciphers.
    • DES/3DES are deprecated and should not be used.
    • MD5 should not be used due to known collision attacks.
    • RC4 should not be used due to crypto-analytical attacks.
    • DSS is limited to a small 1024 bit key size.
    • Cipher-suites that do not provide Perfect Forward Secrecy/ Forward Secrecy (PFS/FS).
    • GCM based ciphers are recommended over CBC ciphers.

HTTP response

When sending HTTP responses, by default, MWARE IAM passes WSO2 Carbon Server as the server value in HTTP headers. This means that information about MWARE IAM stack will be exposed through HTTP responses.

It is recommended to change this by configuring the server name in the deployment.toml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf directory. For instructions, see Configure Transport Level Security.


For products based on Carbon 4.4.11 or later versions, HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is disabled for the applications with which MWARE IAM is shipped by default. This is because HSTS validation can interrupt the development processes by validating signatures of self-signed certificates.

Make sure to enable HSTS for all the applications that are deployed in MWARE IAM. This includes the MWARE IAM Management Console and any other web applications. For instructions, see Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Headers.

Browser cache

If there are dynamic pages in your application with sensitive information, you need to prevent browser caching. This can be done by making sure that the applications deployed in your server will return the relevant HTTP response headers.


By default, cache prevention headers are enabled for the applications with which the product is shipped by default. Therefore, you need to manually enable cache prevention headers only for all the new applications that you deploy in your server. For instructions, see Prevent browser caching.

Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key size

Before starting the server,

  1. Open the product startup script in the <IS_HOME>/bin directory.
  2. Add the following with the other Java properties.

    -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 \

Client-initiated renegotiation

Before starting the server,

  1. Open the product startup script in the <IS_HOME>/bin directory.
  2. Add the following with the other Java properties.

    -Djdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiation=true \

HostName verification

To enable hostname verification,

  1. Open the product startup script in the <IS_HOME>/bin directory.
  2. For products with the Carbon version 4.4.17 or later, set the hostnameVerifier property to Strict.

    -Dhttpclient.hostnameVerifier=Strict \
  3. For products with the Carbon version prior to 4.4.17, set the ignoreHostnameVerification property to false.

    -Dorg.wso2.ignoreHostnameVerification=false \


For more information, see Enable HostName Verification.

XSS protection

By default, XSS attacks are prevented in the latest MWARE IAM versions. This is due to output encoding of the displaying values. 


If required, increase the session ID length by changing the sessionIDLength attribute of the session manager in the context.xml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/tomcat directory as shown below. The default value is 16 bytes.

<Manager className="org.wso2.carbon.webapp.mgt.CarbonTomcatSessionManager" sessionIdLength="16"></Manager>

Admin credentials

By default, MWARE IAM has the Administrator account configured. The default username and password of the administrator account are admin.

Follow the instructions given below to change the administrator credentials.

  1. Sign in to the MWARE IAM Management Console (https://<IS_HOST>:<PORT>/carbon) with the admin credentials.

  2. Click Main > Identity > User and Roles > Users.

  3. Click List.

  4. Click Change Password option that is relevant to the admin user and change the password.


For more information, see Forced Password Reset.

Access to management console

Majority of the users only need to sign in to the connected service providers via MWARE IAM. Such users should not have permissions to sign in to the MWARE IAM Management Console.

Make sure that the permission for signing in to the MWARE IAM Management Console is granted only to the users that need to use the Management Console. Instead of granting all permission to one administrator, distribute the responsibilities among multiple administrators by assigning different permissions. For instructions, see Manage User Roles.

Log rotation and monitoring

Ensure that you have a relevant log rotation scheme to manage logs. Log4J properties for MWARE IAM can be configured in the file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf folder.

To roll the wso2carbon.log based on the size, use the following configurations.

appender.CARBON_LOGFILE.type = RollingFile
appender.CARBON_LOGFILE.fileName = ${sys:carbon.home}/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log
appender.CARBON_LOGFILE.strategy.max = 20


For information on configuring logging details, see Monitor Logs.

Log forging

Log forging can be prevented by appending a UUID to the log message.


For more information on configuring the file, see Monitor Logs.

JVM parameters

  • The recommended JDK versions are JDK 1.8 and 11. For more information, see Prerequisites.

    -Xms512m -Xmx2048m 
  • To run the JVM with 2 GB (-Xmx2048m), you should ideally have about 4 GB of memory on the physical machine.

Mutual SSL

If mutual SSL is enabled, enable intermediate certificate validation as well to make sure that only certificates signed by the issuers mentioned in the IntermediateCertValidation configuration are allowed to be used during mutual SSL authentication.

If mutual SSL authentication capabilities are not required, you can disable it .

Configure client authentication

Client authentication is used to identify the application or the client that is making the request. The web applications provided out of the box use a set of default credentials to authenticate with MWARE IAM REST APIs that are marked as secure under the ResourceAccessControl tag of the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml file.

Follow the steps below to change the default credentials.

  1. Shut the server down in case you have already started it.

  2. Add the following configuration changes to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

    • Add the app_password property and enter a preferred password as the value.

      app_password="<value of preferred password>"
    • Add the hash property and enter the SHA-256 hash value of the app_password as the property value.

      hash="<SHA-256 hash of the newly added app_password property value>"
    • If the authenticationendpoint web app is hosted externally, follow the instructions given below.

      a. Open the file found in the root of the authenticationendpoint folder.

      b. Change the app.password property value to the value added as app_password in the deployment.toml file.

      c. Do the same changes to the file located in the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/authenticationendpoint/WEB-INF/classes directory.

    • If the accountrecoveryendpoint web app is hosted externally, follow the instructions given below.

      a. Open the file found in the root of the accountrecoveryendpoint folder.

      b. Change the app.password property value to the value added as app_password in the deployment.toml file.

      c. Do the same changes to the file located in the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/accountrecoveryendpoint/WEB-INF/classes directory.

  3. Once these changes are configured, restart the server.

    • Linux/Unix : sh
    • Windows : wso2server.bat

Callback URL Regular Expressions

For the scenarios listed below, you can define a regular expression to validate the callback URL. The default configuration allows any callback URL. Note that if you are using these scenarios, it is highly recommended to define the regular expression that validates and only allows access to specific callback URLs.
