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Self Registration

This page guides you through setting up self-registration for users to onboard themselves to MWARE IAM.

Follow the steps given below to register users for the super tenant, carbon.super.


  • If you have migrated from a previous IS version, ensure that the IdentityMgtEventListener with the orderId=50 is set to false and that the Identity Listeners with orderId=95 and orderId=97 are set to true in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.


    You can skip this configuration if there are no such entries for in deployment.toml.

    priority= "50"
    enable = false
    priority= "95"
    enable = true
    priority= "97"
    enable = true
  • Enable the email sending configurations of the MWARE IAM.


    Typically, the AccountConfirmation template is used to send email notifications.

    You can edit and customize the email template. For more information on how to do this, see Customizing Automated Emails.

Enable self-registration

Enable self-registration for a specific tenant

  1. Log in to the Management Console (https://<IS_HOST>:<IS_PORT>/carbon)
    !!! note If your IS is already running, make sure to stop and start to apply configurations.

  2. Navigate to Main > Identity.

  3. Select the Identity Providers -> Resident -> User Onboarding section.

  4. Expand the Self Registration section and configure the following properties.

    Field Description
    User self registration Enable self registration.
    Lock user account on creation Enable account lock during self-registration. The account will be unclocked upon confirmation.
    Manage notifications sending internally

    Enable the Identity server to send confirmation emails to the user. If the client application handles notification sending already, unselect it.

    Prompt reCaptcha Select to enable reCAPTCHA for self-registration. See Setting Up reCAPTCHA for more information.
    User self registration verification link expiry time

    Number of minutes that the confirmation link would be valid. The confirmation link will expire after the specified time has elapsed.

    Prompt reCaptcha on re-send confirmation

    Select to enable reCAPTCHA for re-sending confirmation email.

    User self registration callback URL regex The regex pattern used to validate the callback URL you are adding as the recovery flow callback URL.


    The sample User self registration callback URL regex to use when testing the product is ^https:\/\/localhost:9443\/.*. However, users should modify it to meet their requirements when they deploy the product.

Now you have set up self-registration. Next, let's see how you can configure self-registration consent purposes via the management console of MWARE IAM.


For information on the REST APIs for self-registration, see Self-Registration Using REST APIs.

Enable self-registration globally

To enable self-registration globally:

  1. Navigate to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and add the following configurations.


    To avoid configuration issues, do this before starting the MWARE IAM product instance.


    The following table lists more information about these configurations.

    Configuration Description
    Set this to true to enable this configuration at a global level.
    Setting this to true ensures that the user's account is locked on creation.
    Setting this value to true ensures the internal email sending module is enabled. However, setting this to false ensures that the email-sending data is available to the application via a web service. The application can send the email using its email sender.
    Set this to true to enable reCAPTCHA for self-registration globally. See Setting Up reCAPTCHA for more information.
    The validity period of the email is in minutes.
    RegEx pattern to validate the callback URL sent in the email.


    The sample User self registration callback URL regex to use when testing the product is ^https:\/\/localhost:9443\/.*. However, users should modify it to meet their requirements when they deploy the product.

    Set this to true to enable reCAPTCHA for resending confirmation email.

  2. Some listeners must be enabled for this to work when the operations are invoked.


    These are usually set by default in the product unless you have made any changes.

  3. Save the configuration changes and restart the server.

Follow the instructions below to configure self-registration consent purposes and appropriate user attributes:

  1. Access the management console. (https://<IS_HOST>:<IS_PORT>/carbon).

  2. Navigate to Main -> Identity -> Identity Providers -> Resident ->User Onboarding -> Self Registration section.

  3. Select Click here to configure self-registration consent purposes. This displays the Consent Purposes: SELF-SIGNUP screen that allows you to add consent purposes.


  4. Click Add New Purpose.

  5. Specify appropriate values for the Purpose and Description fields, and then click Add PII Category to add user attributes required to obtain user consent.


    You can add one or more user attributes to obtain consent for a particular purpose.


  6. If you want consent on a specific user attribute to be mandatory, select the Mandatory check box for that attribute.


    • When you configure consent purposes for self-registration, the attributes that you specify for a particular purpose are the only attributes for which users are prompted to provide consent.
    • If a user attribute is set as Mandatory, a user has to provide consent for that attribute to proceed with self-registration.
    • If a user does not consent to any non-mandatory attributes, MWARE IAM will not store those attributes.
  7. Click Finish.

  8. Depending on your requirement, you can either add another new purpose and related user attributes or click Finish if you have added all the purposes you want.

  9. Click Update.

Now you have configured the required self-registration purposes and user attributes for which you require user consent.

Next, you can try out self-registration.

Try it out

Use the My Account portal

  1. Access the MWARE IAM My Account (https://<IS_HOST>:<PORT>/myaccount/).


  2. Click Create Account and then enter the new user's username.

    Register Users for a Tenant

    If you want to self-register to a specific tenant, you need to provide the Username in the following format: <USERNAME>@<TENAND_DOMAIN>

    For example, if you have a tenant domain as, the username needs to be


  3. Fill in the user details, provide consent to share the requested information, and then click Register.

    Self sign up form

    Click to see steps on configuring requested attributes for self registration.
    • The attributes that show up on the self sign-up page are WSO2 local dialect claims that have the Supported by Default configuration enabled.
    • Access the Management Console (https://<IS_HOST>:<PORT>/carbon) and navigate to Main > Identity.
    • Click List under Claims and select the dialect. Expand any claim to view the configuration.
    • Mandatory attributes of the self-sign-up page are the claims to have enabled the Required configuration.
    • For example, see below the configurations of the department claim. self-signup-required-claim-config
  4. Once the user has registered, they will receive a confirmation mail.

  5. Click Confirm Registration in the email or copy the link in the email to your browser to confirm the account. Once you confirm the account, the account will be unlocked.

Want to resend the confirmation email?

Follow the steps given below to resend the confirmation email.

  1. Access the MWARE IAM My Account (https://<IS_HOST>:<PORT>/myaccount/) and try to log in with the user you just registered. The user account should not be activated for the user, which means you should not have confirmed the account.

  2. Click on the Resend link to resend the email.


The email template used to resend the confirmation email notification is the ResendAccountConfirmation template.

You can edit and customize the email template. For more information on how to do this, see Customizing Automated Emails.


Do the following configurations if you wish to send an unlocked account email upon account confirmation.

  1. Navigate to Main > Identity > Identity Providers > Resident.
  2. Expand the Login Attempts Security -> Account Lock and select Lock user accounts.
    Once the user activates the account via the confirmation email, the Identity server will send an Account Unlocked email.

For more information about account locking, see Account Locking. account-locking

Use the REST API

You can use the following CURL command to self-register.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded_username:password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"username": "<username>","realm": "<user_store>", "password": "<password>","claims": [{"uri": "<claim_URI>","value": "<claim_value>" },{"uri": "<claim_URI2>","value": "<claim_value2>"},{"uri": "<claim_URI3>","value": "<claim_value3>"},{"uri": "<claim_URI4>","value": "<claim_value4>"} ] },"properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me"

Sample Request

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"username": "kim","realm": "PRIMARY", "password": "Password12!","claims": [{"uri": "","value": "kim" },{"uri": "","value": ""},{"uri": "","value": "Anderson"},{"uri": "","value": "+947721584558"} ] },"properties": [{"key":"callback","value": "https://localhost:9443/authenticationendpoint/"}]}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me"

Sample Response

"HTTP/1.1 201 Created"
