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Multi-Factor Authentication

Follow the instructions given here to try out multi-factor authentication.

Problem scenario

Pickup wants to enhance the security standards by introducing a second level of authentication when users sign in to applications. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled in MWARE IAM using the following factors:

  • First factor: username/password
  • Second factor: HARDWARE KEY

Let's use the command-line to check the MFA functionality.


Before you begin, do the following:

  1. Install MWARE IAM.
  2. Deploy the sample authenticator dependency and its web application in MWARE IAM.

    1. Stop the Identity Server if already running.
    2. Download the org.wso2.carbon.identity.sample.extension.authenticator.jar file and copy it to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins folder.
    3. Download the sample-auth.war file and copy it to the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps folder.


      This .war file contains the WEB UI for the sample authenticators used in this tutorial.

    4. Open the deployment.toml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf folder and add the following configuration:

      context = "(.*)/sample-auth/(.*)"
      secure = false
      http_method = "all" 
  3. Start MWARE IAM.

Run the sample scenario

Let's run the sample applications Pickup-Dispatch and Pickup-Manager.

  1. Follow the instructions on setting up the samples.


    A message appears to pick a scenario.

  2. Enter 3 as the scenario number at the command prompt.

    List of scenarios in QSG

  3. Enter y to confirm that you have already done the following steps.

    QSG commandline continue

Try it out

Let's access the Pickup-Dispatch application and proceed to sign in.

  1. Copy the http://localhost:8080/ URL to your web browser to access the Pickup-Dispatch application.

  2. Click Log in to access the first authentication step provided by MWARE IAM.

    Pickup Dispatch application login

  3. Enter either of the following credentials to sign in to the application:

    Manager  --> Username: cameron | Password: cameron123
    Employee --> Username: alex    | Password: alex123 

    MWARE IAM sign in page


    The HARDWARE KEY login page appears as HARDWARE KEY is the second authentication factor.

  4. Enter the DEMO key that appears in the browser and click Sign In.

    Enter the hardware key


    After successful authentication, the User Consent page of the Pickup-Dispatch application appears.

  5. Select the attributes you agree to share with the Pickup-Dispatch application and click Continue.

    Consent page


    Obtaining user consent is a fundamental requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). MWARE IAM facilitates this through its Consent Management features. To learn more about GDPR and how MWARE IAM handles consent, see Consent Management.

    Note that the Pickup-Dispatch application home screen appears.

    Pickup Dispatch home screen

What's next?

To try out other scenarios, navigate back to the command-line where you ran the quickstart sample and enter y to clean the setup.

QSG cleanup
